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Our Sunbeds

The Best Sunbed Ever Is Here

  The P9 Smart  Sunbed


  • 50 UVB 0.3 Tubes  .

  • 4 Glass Facial Lamps

  • 70 Collagen Bulbs.

  • 2 Sholder Tanners

  • Bluetooth Music

  • Refreshing Mist Spray.


Adopting a strict policy of no under 18's to use the sunbeds at any time we pride ourselves on having a responsible attitude by abiding by the new restriction and guidelines of tanning association.

      Our solarium offers private, hygienic and air conditioned rooms which have a mixture of vertical and laydown beds. All beds are serviced by professional engineers with tubes changed regulary. Starters and fans are also cleaned and checked. The salon operates a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene.


Helpful Advice

When tanning indoor or out, moisture is lost from the skin. Use a good daily moisturiser after tanning, showers or exercise to keep a healthy glowing skin tone.Choose a good quality lotion when tanning. Exposure to UVA can cause skin to dry up. A tanning lotion helps prevent and reduce these effects. It’s well worth the money!

     Like most fun things in life, moderation is key Never try to force a tan always use common sense.
Finally, it is essential to wear tanning goggles at every session. Closing your eyes is not enough to protect from harmful sunbed side effects such as cataracts and cornea damage. Protective goggles can save your sight..

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